Feature & Follow: #7

The Feature & Follow is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, it’s a great way to gain new followers and make new friends.

Q: What is the BIGGEST word you’ve seen used in a book lately – that made you stop and look it up?

The Fault in Our Stars
By John Green
Goodreads | Amazon

Damn! This is a tough one. I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’m still coming up blank. I don’t usually stop to check the meaning of big fancy words, because then I would have t stop all the time. You see, english is not my first language (for those that didn’t know), and so sometimes words come up that I have no idea what they mean, but I just usually figure them out by context. 😉

But if I had to go with one book that maybe made me think once or twice about  the meaning of a word it would be The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green. The dialogue is mind-blowing. Actually the whole book is. Why yes, it’s my favorite book, but I’ve said that before.

Now, tell me your pick! I look forward to learning new words today. Link me to your FF post on the comments, and let me know if you’re following me, I’ll make sure to follow you back! 😉

Also: I have two giveaways going on right now. Don’t forget to check them out! [Links on the right sidebar] 😉


Filed under Feature & Follow

18 responses to “Feature & Follow: #7

  1. Haha I said the exact same thing as you about The Fault In Our Stars! All of Hazel and Augustus’ conversations were so intellectualish 😀

    New follower 🙂


  2. This is the second time I’ve seen John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars mentioned as having to look up words from it. I read and loved that book, and I know that there were many words….but all I can remember is the weeping, sobbing mess that was me when I finished it.

    The word I had to look up was from David Mitchell’s novel Cloud Atlas. Check it out here

    • Oh, I was a sobbing mess too! I never cried so much with a book before, that’s for sure! lol But it was so good that you don’t even notice the big words! 😉
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. The Fault on Our Stars is just amazing. Loved the book.
    Old follower 🙂 My F&F

  4. Hi, I’m a new follower through NetworkedBlogs =)
    I really need to read some John Green…

  5. I haven’t read this book, is that a bad thing?! I know what you mean with this question, its really hard.

    I’m an new-ish follower. Here’s my My FF

  6. I still haven’t read The Fault in Our Stars. I know I need to. I hope to soon. I had a difficult time coming up with an answer for today’s question myself.

    Here’s my Friday Hop

  7. Never read this book 🙂 Need to check it out!

  8. donnablhmistress

    I know some books are like that for me, if I am reading a paperback I just try an figure it out but lately on my Kindle I tend to check a bit more.
    My FF

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