Tag Archives: Kelly Creagh

Stacking the Shelves #4

Stacking the Shelves is a meme hosted by Tynga at Tynga’s Reviews. It’s all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. You can include books you buy in physical stores or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and ebooks.

This was a very awesome week for me. There were so many releases I was dying to get that I didn’t even know which to get first. Crazy week, I tell you! So many new books to add to my endless tbr. I sure have enough books right now to last me a lifetime.

Thank goodness for ebooks, or else I would need an entire room to fit all this books, and my apartment is so not ready for that! Lol! So, after this week there might not be another StS next weekend! xD

So, why am I still talking? Let’s see what I got this week!

The Dark Light
By Sara Walsh

Every Day
By David Levithan

The Lost Girl
By Sangu Mandanna

 I’m positive I got every book I’ve been dying to read for weeks, and then some. I have read Inbetween already, and let me tell you, it’s good! And I have started reading Every Day already. I should have both reviews up sometime this week. I hope you all got some awesome books too! And don’t forget to leave in the comments your StS link!


Filed under Stacking the Shelves